“If you’re lost and looking to connect back to yourself, QHHT is a very effective way to accomplish that. Angelica is a gifted practitioner, and she will assist you with great skill and compassion. I’m glad I found her.”

Arie, Monroe, WA

“Angelica has strong personal energy and is very sensitive to the energy of others. She is also skilled at using these talents in combination with her training for effective healing work. My health has benefited from the treatments I received from Angelica. I have also observed others benefit from Angelica’s work.”

Stella C.

"For just over a decade, I have worked with Angelica, who I revere as a compassionate and extremely gifted practitioner. At the start, I was seeking a way to escape my functional misery and arrive at a reasonable manner of sustained happiness. The work we did together revealed that I was the product of significant transgenerational trauma. Since age 11, I self-medicated through various addictions in order to cope with the physical and psychological abuse and numerous betrayals I endured throughout most of my life.

Since I began working with Angelica, I've been able to release all addictions, traumas and emotional baggage, as well as dysfunctional/abusive relationships. I accomplished the latter with even close family members in a healthy manner and without any lingering resentment. I am now free from my challenging past and the destructive patterns and associations with people that exhibit narcissistic personality disorder. I was also a narcissistic personality prior to engaging in this healing process. Through the work, my previously blocked heart has opened and I can practice empathy and compassion for others.

Who knew that a savvy kid from the rough and tumble streets born into a war zone for a family could come this far? I consider my transformation something just short of a divine miracle. This significant change was possible through my commitment, strong perseverance, brutal honesty and Angelica's talents, training, compassion and guidance."

Michael Denner, NYC transplant now living in Olympia, WA

“In July 2023, I was diagnosed with a malignant brain tumor and ovarian cancer. The brain tumor was removed successfully immediately after the diagnosis. Shortly after, I was on chemotherapy to shrink the ovarian tumor so the doctor could operate. The dose was very strong and I ended up in the hospital and then rehab for three weeks. I refused to ever do chemotherapy again.

The Oncologist suggested milder doses of chemotherapy, which wouldn’t shrink the tumor, but instead maintain its current size. Seven months later, my last CAT scan showed the tumor shrunk to half its original size. The doctor was now able to remove the tumor via a 2-hour robotic surgery.

I attribute the shrinking of the tumor to the QRS therapy I’ve been doing. I do it twice a day whenever possible, which is most of the time.

I am very thankful for being introduced to QRS. After next week, when the tumor is removed, I can get my regular life back. It’s never too late to get a second chance. I’m 82!”

Gail, Washington State

"I'm a numbers guy, so I'll begin with quantitative data. I'm a 51 year old hispanic male. Prior to my QHHT session, my blood pressure was 155-165/100-110. One of the purposes of my session was to find out what was driving that if anything other than my high stress job. Well, I got the answer and assistance—24 hours after my session with Angelica, my blood pressure dropped to 132/84. Later, about 72 hours after my session, my blood pressure was 125/75. It's now roughly a month later and my blood pressure remains in the 125-132/75-84 range. That's pretty close to ideal given my current lifestyle choices—yes, we all need more exercise, less coffee and stress!

While that may sound impressive and impactful (and believe me it is!), it is not nearly as impactful as the qualitative results. I learned why many things caused me stress, and why my life had unfolded the way it had, why my body had reacted the way it did and most importantly, a way for me to move forward in a manner that is constructive and healthy. Gaining that intel from myself via the QHHT session has put my stress level virtually on the floor, and as far as I can tell pretty much down for the count! I understand myself, my choices and my relationships through a lens that I never could have imagined on my own. Being able to understand my life and choices through that lens has been subtly and profoundly life changing in the most positive ways. My entire perception has changed in the most beautiful and life affirming way. I don't think words can truly describe the entirety and scope of this change within me and how it has positively changed my life going forward.

If you need answers and you are willing to stand in front of the truth to get them, then do it. Just remember, you can't hide from yourself, and the answers you get will most likely blow your perception wide open. I encourage you to take that step."

Randy C., Port Orchard, WA

“I had fallen out of my second remission of multiple myeloma, and this time around the battle was more challenging because my immune system kept crashing, and I was unable to take the medicine the doctors prescribed to improve my condition to hopefully get myself back into remission for a third time. 

I was already doing everything healthy I could possibly think of to bolster my immune system and stay strong, but sadly, nothing seemed to help. My cancer numbers were still rising.

I came across a video about Dolores Cannon and her Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT) modality. They say the universe will help you if you’re paying attention. I decided to book a session right away. I found Angelica and she changed her schedule around to see me immediately.

I had some reservations, but I stayed open-minded about the process and did not resist at all. Angelica was lovely, patient, kind, caring, and led me through the process. Once completed, I wasn't sure what I would change, but I felt pretty good.

The week before, my cancer numbers (free light chain) had climbed to 6.33 in an upward trend but on the day after seeing Angelica, my numbers were the lowest they had ever been, even lower than when I had my stem cell transplant years prior. They were at 0.96 and I was back in remission. This was confirmation that this was the result of the Quantum Healing Hypnosis therapy because I had tried everything else, and nothing was able to reduce my numbers.

I am very grateful for Angelica's help and have recommended her to others.”


“Having worked with shaman and holistic healers in the past, I understand and appreciate why some would wonder if the person they are working with is “as advertised”. I can say with 100% conviction that Angelica is the real deal. She gets to the true core of your issues and she uses her extensive resources to get the TRUE healing and breakthroughs you need and desire. She is also a true pioneer as a higher brain living facilitator. This woman has saved my life and I have infinite gratitude for the work she has done with me.”

Chris Tarnowski, Rahway, New Jersey

“Thank you for your kind heart, compassionate, understanding and patience.”

Devy, Edmonds, Washington

“From the time I was quite young, I never felt like I was home. This developed a deep longing, and I travelled a good deal in an attempt to find my rightful place in the world.

I discovered QHHT through a friend and later booked a session with Angelica. She helped me find the peace in my heart that was missing for many years, as I was able to move on from the disconnect I felt. Now I am at peace, and happy living wherever I am.

Olga, Seattle, Washington & The Netherlands

“My friend referred me to Angelica because I didn’t know what to do or who to turn to anymore. Western medicine was not helping, so I decided to give QHHT a try. During the session, I felt like I went through a sort of ‘cosmic surgery’, and now my health and mind improving.”

Linda, Fort Lee, New Jersey

“Sometimes we experience divine timing. I had to go to Seattle for an appointment. I located Angelica through her website and she was able to accommodate me. The session was amazing! You never know what gifts the universe will bring you.”

R.I., Alaska

“I was looking to figure out my path in life when I met Angelica in a meditation and shamanic journeying group. She in introduced me to QHHT. I booked a session with her and had an amazing experience. Dolores Cannon actually showed up in my session and provided some advice.

I am no longer “lost” and I feel very fortunate. My life has improved immensely after the guidance I received, and my new career has me travelling around the world. I am grateful for Angelica’s guidance and compassion.”

Jay, Montclair, New Jersey

“When you find yourself wanting to drive off a cliff, look for a QHHT practitioner in your area. I was blessed to have worked with Angelica. As a result, my life has changed quite dramatically for the better.”

T., Paramus, New Jersey

I have known Angelica for approximately two years. She is a very dear, loving practitioner. My recent medical story began around 4 months ago when my cardiologist gave me the results after my hour and a half MRI. First of all, he is a very thorough and conscientious doctor. He said that I had a very rare heart condition called cardiac amyloidosis. They do have drugs for it now, but at best you have 5 years before your heart shuts down and 50% do not make it to 5 years. I was 76 and in excellent shape for my age.

It was time to do all I could do to find an answer for this emergency. My philosophy is, try any possible modality to impact a condition such as this. I did two Kambo sessions, which shifted how I was holding this condition in a miraculous way. Afterwards, I went to the University of Washington for a nuclear test and within 30 hours, my cardiologist informed me that I do not have cardiac amyloidosis! I did two other alternative medicines, but my work with Angelica felt like it was the most impactful. I will never know all the aspects of this adventure, but I am grateful for Angelica and my good health now at 77!

Roy, Ocean Shores, WA

“At age 19, I had trouble fitting in with my family. My mother remarried and I now had two step siblings. I felt a bit like an outsider. I decided to see a therapist or someone who might be able to help me understand myself and also help stop my incessant negative thoughts. At this point, I was so unhappy and desperate to talk with someone who would listen and provide some good insight. My mother found Angelica through an article published in Natural Awakenings, a local alternative health magazine.

My sessions with Angelica helped me to begin getting some clarity about my direction in life. I soon had a QHHT session, and this provided even more guidance and clarity. I eventually decided to go back to college to pursue my degree. Working with Angelica helped to get me on the right track, and for that I’ll be forever grateful for her compassionate assistance.”

Chris, Orlando, FL

“I was a single mother going through a divorce, and having a difficult time supporting myself and my children. I was searching for help online and discovered Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT) by Dolores Cannon. I contacted Angelica to book a session.

Angelica is very pleasant, kind and compassionate. I felt at ease working with her. Her guidance was exactly what I needed to get through my challenging experience.

After my QHHT session, I was able to better understand myself and my situation, which gave me the ability to make the best choices to move past that challenging time in my life. I am very grateful that I met Angelica and that she facilitated my first QHHT session.”

Frances, Livingston, New Jersey

“I am a young, married father. I was involved in an accident that left me disabled and angry because I was no longer able to be a provider for my family. This also created challenges in my marriage.

I was looking for help outside of mainstream medicine for my emotional issues. I learned about QHHT and its founder, Dolores Cannon. I soon had my first QHHT session with Angelica and learned that I had at least three past lives that involved the same scenario with my present life challenges.

I am very grateful for Angelica’s help, which allowed me to understand the reason that this pattern kept occurring over the course of multiple lifetimes. I now have more peace, harmony and acceptance concerning my disability and with life in general.”

M.M., Parsippany, New Jersey

“When you are stuck and need answers to move on, but you do not how or where to go, you need a skilled practitioner to help you. Angelica was exactly that person for me. She helped me reconnect with my own healing power.

I thoroughly enjoyed my QHHT session where I crossed beyond worlds and explored my past lives to better understand my current life. It's not exaggeration to say she's an expert in this field. Angelica will guide you throughout the process with compassion and without judgment.

I am blessed to have met her, and I am grateful for the positive changes I have experienced as a result of QHHT. This has changed the course of my life for the better and probably forever.”

S.V., Bothell, WA

“I practiced other past life regression modalities for over 10 years. I met Angelica through a workshop and decided to do a Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique session.

I learned a great deal about something concerning one of my past lives. I wanted to know about this experience for quite some time.

Angelica is very professional and passionate practitioner. I am grateful that I had the opportunity to work with her.”

Susan, New Jersey

“I started meditating with Angelica in August 2021. I wanted to lose weight and thought I would give meditation a try since I had previous success with weight loss through hypnosis. After a month of daily meditations at home, along with weekly meditations with our meditation group led by Angelica, my mind became so much clearer, thinking positive thoughts and having feelings of peace and optimism I hadn’t had in decades. In addition she gave me some simple physical and dietary suggestions delivered in such a soft, easy to understand way, even before I had explained any of my other medical ailments to her.

Three months later I had routine doctor’s visits. I have type 1 diabetes and my A1C was 5.5 (within normal range of non-diabetic), I lost 18 pounds, psoriasis skin clearing and psoriatic arthritis joint pain is barely noticeable, now I am able to stand long enough to cook and do domestic housework, shop without using electrical cart. I also have liver disease and my Hepatologist said, “Great news, your liver is functioning as normal now and everything else is stable.

I feel a new lease on life in just a few short months. I am looking forward to what the future will bring. I highly recommend Angelica for anyone looking for happiness and joy, and/or dealing with issues that need to be addressed. Meditations with Angelica are my best treat to myself!”

Liza Hess

“At the age of 50, I had been suffering from chronic lower back pain for over 10 years. I tried seeing doctors to get help, but all they did was prescribe medication, which only masked the pain, but didn’t address the root of the problem.

I didn’t want to go through the rest of my life living in pain. I began to see Angelica for sessions. I’m an engineer and my work has me constantly thinking. Angelica was very patient and spent a lot of time with me looking at the possible factors that played a role with my condition. She recommended that I do a QHHT session so I could possibly get an answer on what was causing my back pain.

During the session, I saw a “scene” in my mind that addressed the reason I was having prolonged back pain. This allowed me to make the necessary changes that resolved the emotional factors that were behind the pain. To my surprise, I became pain free two weeks after arriving at the conclusion during the session.”

Troy, Union, New Jersey

“I had a long lists of health issues, including speech problems, and I’m also confined to a wheelchair. I located Angelica through an advertisement. She came to my house to provide a session.

I didn’t want to remain being angry about my situation, and I questioned why I ended up in poor health with a disability. After my QHHT session, I came to understand why I chose to have this challenging experience in this life.

Through this understanding, I found peace and released the angry. I now have stronger connection with my higher self and my health has also improved considerably.”

C.T., Rahway, New Jersey

"It was also great to meet new people at your weekly group meditation event and to share the experience with them. In addition, I was tracking my blood pressure recently, and on Thursday morning before the group meditation, it was 130/79, and this morning it was 108/73. It's been dropping over the past few days from an elevated to a normal range. I've backed off a little on salt and caffeine, and I'm certain the group meditation mostly helped to facilitate this change.”

W.M., Ocean Shores, Washington

“My boyfriend had a QHHT session with Angelica and wanted me to experience one also. I was curious and decided to book the session.

I learned that I knew Angelica from numerous past lives and we previously agreed to meet again in this life. I also learned why I’m with my partner in this life. I enjoyed the session, and benefited from the insights that were revealed to me.”

R.A., Rahway, New Jersey

“I dealt with chronic pain on a daily basis. Meditation has helped me manage the pain without using heavy addictive pain medications.”

Debi Burpee


My 79 year old client, Jack, came to me with severe hip pain from a fall from a ladder. He also had calcium deposits in the joint of his index finger, which was diagnosed as arthritis. Most of Jack’s symptoms associated with these two conditions were resolved after two QRS sessions. You can view more video testimonials about QRS technology by clicking here to visit my QRS website.

My client, Guy, came to me with a fairly sever case of Bursitis in the elbow. I treated him with an Acupressure session and he recovered nicely.